Welcome to the evaluation data hub for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) program. This website is maintained by VentureWell and is funded by NSF Cooperative Agreement (#1732084) in order to manage the evaluation and reporting on the outcomes of over 75 Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers.
The IUCRC program generates breakthrough research by enabling close and sustained engagement between industry innovators, world-class academic teams, and government agencies. To learn more about the IUCRC program, visit the NSF IUCRC Website.
In 2023, over 800 companies/organizations participated in the IUCRC program. On average, evaluation data shows that members realize a 22x multiplier on their membership investments.
Today, there are 75 active centers, and each center has a unique research focus. You can explore the active centers on the NSF IUCRC website.

Join a center
“We have been able to enter completely new areas through connections with other industrial members and with students through the universities..”
– IAB Member, 2019
Research Breakthroughs
Over time, many IUCRCs have become recognized for innovative, cutting-edge research. They have developed impressive track records for exploring innovative approaches to some of the nation’s most pressing research problems through leveraged collaborations and team science.
Learn more on the NSF website!